Using waste heat as district heating
eww Group
Local & district heating
Construction period
2021 – 2022
Product solutions
- 13,5 km of pipe, DN350, DN400 and DN450
The district heating system in the city of Wels has taken another step torward a more sustainable future by incorporating waste heat generated by the waste material processing plant operated by Energie AG Oberösterreich, a major regional energy supplier for Upper Austria. The second major line, called the Nordring (Northern Ring), went into operation in May 2022.
This district heating expansion extends over 7 kilometers in all and feeds into the existing network for the city of wels.
Local partners
The project to lay the pipe from the waste processing plant to northeast of Wels relied on the expertise of local partners. A consortium between Porr and Felbermayr was responsible for the underground work, and Zauner Anlagentechnik handled the pipeline construction.
ISOPLUS supplied the pipes and supported the project from planning through to completion. In addition to the structural engineering approval for the planned route, the team planned the sections to be involved in monitoring the network during the leakage location stage, and skilled ISOPLUS installers performed the post-insulation work on the welded seams.
Green transition
The eww Group's goal is to provide a lasting supply of green heat to 55,000 local residents, thereby reducing the amount of heat generated using oil and gas and supporting the energy transition and climate action. Thanks to this large-scale project, 25,000 new households have been connected to the supply network in addition to the 30,000 customers already receiving heat that way.
The expansion also guarantees maximum reliability in the supply of heat. Now that waste heat has been incorporated, multiple sources of heat all feed into the network, which minimizes the chance of outages.
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