Hamburg Energy Park Harbour

Hamburger Energiewerke
Local & district heating
Construction period
2022 – 2024
Product solutions
- Plastic casing pipes and fittings DN 800
- Medium pipe, spiral-welded, wall thickness 12.5 mm
- Alarm system: 3x HDW
The idea behind the harbour energy park concept is various external heat sources into a network. At Dradenau in the harbour area of Hamburg-Waltershof harbour area, a highly efficient gas and steam (CCGT) plant is being built at Dradenau in the harbour area of Hamburg-Waltershof harbour energy park.
Pipes for a flexible and climate-neutral energy mix
The CCGT plant enables high fuel utilisation and can react very flexibly to fluctuations in the electricity market thanks to its modular design. The plant is already being designed to utilise synthetic gas in order to be able to operate completely on the basis of climate-neutral fuels in the future. Numerous heat sources will also be integrated into the Hafen Energy Park, including the Rugenberger Damm waste recycling plant, the wastewater heat pump at the Dradenau sewage treatment plant and various energy-intensive industrial operations such as steel and aluminium plants.
Other previously unutilised potential can be easily integrated in the future. A storage system and an integrated power-to-heat plant provide additional flexibility in the system. As the greatest heat potential lies in the south, a southern pipeline with an Elbe crossing will be realised for heat transport. The new western district heating system connection (southern pipeline for short) will connect the harbour energy park with the existing district heating network in the west of Hamburg.

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