What we and our partners stand for
What do the ISOPLUS Group and its partners in the industry organizations stand for? What are our goals? And who is represented in the network? We will introduce this to you in the following.
Promotion of district heating
The organisations work to increase the acceptance and implementation of district heating and cooling systems as sustainable and energy-efficient solutions. This helps to reduce CO2 emissions and to improve energy efficiency.
Technical guidelines and standards
The development of technical guidelines and standards is a central task of the associations. These guidelines are important for the construction and operation of district heating systems and ensure quality and safety in the district heat supply.
Knowledge exchange and networking
The organisations offer platforms for the international exchange of knowledge, technology, experience and best practices. They promote cooperation between members in different areas of the energy industry, including companies, research facilities and authorities. These cooperations help to develop innovative solutions and to open up market opportunities.
Education and training
The organisations offer training courses and continued professional and vocational development programmes to keep skilled personnel and professionals up to date. These are intended to expand the knowledge and skills of skilled district heating personnel.
Political advice and representation of interests
The organisations represent the interests of the district heating industry vis-à-vis politics, the authorities and the public. They advise political decision-makers and highlight the importance and advantages of district heating and cooling systems in political discussions and decisions.
Market research and analysis
The organisations track and evaluate district heating trends and developments through studies and market analyses. In cooperation with universities, research facilities and industry, they develop innovative technologies and solutions.
The organisations publish reports, studies and other information materials to inform their members and the public about current district heating and cooling developments, political decisions and technical innovations.
Events and conferences
The organisations offer regular events, conferences and workshops, which promote the exchange of knowledge and the networking of professionals. The events provide a platform on which to discuss current district heating and cooling developments and innovations.
The future begins now.
The future begins now.
Together for the energy transition.
Together for the energy transition.
Our partners
The International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) is now the largest certification system worldwide for sustainability and greenhouse gas savings in biomass, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and the circular economy. It is a worldwide-recognised sustainability standard for the certification of many raw materials and products such as biofuels, food and feedstuffs and industrial products. While the ISCC EU standard covers the energy sector with the legal requirements of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and greenhouse gas balancing, ISCC PLUS is aimed at the circular economy and the possibility of certifying recycling products and bio-based materials. ISCC offers traceability along the entire value-added chain and the implementation of sustainability requirements at the individual interfaces.
More information on the ISCC Plus website.
Euroheat & Power (EHP) is the European association promoting sustainable district heating and cooling in Europe and beyond. With 140+ members spread across 30 countries, Euroheat & Power brings together a diverse community of stakeholders from national associations, companies, start-ups, consultancies and universities.
More information can be found on the Euroheat & Power website.
The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fernwärme (AGFW, district heating work group) is a central trade association in Germany that is dedicated to the promotion and further development of district heating and cooling. The AGFW represents the industry’s interests, offers extensive services and advice and serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience.
More information on the AGFW website.
The Bundesverband Fernwärmeleitungen (BFW, federal district heating pipe association) is a leading organisation in Germany, which represents the interests of the district heating industry. BFW promotes technical standards, offers advice and continued professional and vocational training and supports exchange and cooperation within the industry.
More information in the BFW website.
The Danish Board of District Heating (DBDH) is a leading organisation in Denmark, which has specialised in district heating and cooling. DBDH promotes the use and spread of these technologies, both nationally and internationally. Companies, consultants, authorities and research facilities are represented on the network platform.
More information on the DBDH website.

As an approved certification body, the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB, scientific and technical centre for building) plays a key role in the certification of construction products and services. Together with its partners and subsidiaries, the CSTB is also an important certifier of construction work and skills in France.
More information on the CSTB website.

The Fernwärme Forschungsinstitut Hannover (FFI, district heating institute) is a recognised test laboratory according to DIN CERTCO for tests to EN 253, EN 448, EN 488 and EN 489. Since 2008, as a member of the FFI, ISOPLUS has promoted research into energy efficiency and climate protection.
More information on the FFI website.
The Kunststoff-Zentrum (SKZ, South German plastics centre) certifies joint installation companies to AGFW FW 605 and offers services for the plastics industry along the entire value-added chain. It was founded in 1961 in Munich and according to a report in the Würzburger Mainpost newspaper in 2009, was one of the largest industry-specific institutes of this type, which monitors around 900 plastic products for more than 400 companies. The SKZ is funded by the Fördergemeinschaft für das Süddeutsche Kunststoff-Zentrum (FSKZ e. V., association for the promotion of the SKZ), whose members include industrial companies, associations and research facilities.
More information on the SKZ website.
Let us know if you have any questions.