Community heating Føns – run by enthusiasm


Føns Community Heating




Local & district heating

Construction period


Product solutions

  • Main pipe: 3 km twin pipes series 3
  • Service connection: 1,300 m isoalupex flexible pipes

In October 2015, a brand-new wood chip-fueled heating plant was established, which now provides heating for 43 local households. ISOPLUS has supplied the pipes and made the detailed project design. All ends are gathered in a cooperative with quite an appropriate name of “Føns Community Heating”.

Substantial CO2 emissions saving

The wood chip-fueled plant has pensioned off a large number of the 43 consumers’ oil boilers and pellet boilers – this alone gave significant environmental benefits. Over the last four years, the plant has reduced its CO2 emissions by 280,000 tons. Future plans also include incorporating a renewable energy source to ensure 100 per cent sustainable heating. 

The initiative is to a great extent based on the efforts of local enthusiasts and local schemes where volunteers take turns overlooking the plant one week at a time. Føns Community Heating has attracted the interest of many small villages on Zealand and in Jutland; the plant even received visitors from Japan, who came to see how Denmark’s smallest district heating plant works.

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