Using geothermal energy as a source of heat


Pfaffinger Industrie- & Energietechnik GmbH




Local & district heating

Construction period

2023 – ongoing

Product solutions

  • Plastic jacket pipe, molded parts and accessories, post-installation of connection sites
  • 8750 m pipe, DN 350 x 5,6 / 630 Diskonti pipe; 500 m DN 300 x 5,6/560 pipe
  • About 90 DN 350/630 & 300/560 molded parts
  • About 800 ea. isojoint III Da 630/560 joints

Erdwärme Grünwald GmbH (EWG) operates a district heating network in Grünwald encompassing well over 60 km of pipes in all, with installed connected load of about 70 MW. 

Now, a new district heating pipeline called the “Nordanbindung” (northern connection) is being constructed to continue to serve the high demand for new connections to the district heating network and potentially even supply the entire area with geothermal heat. The pipeline starts at the Perlacher Forst park on the outskirts of Munich and runs all the way to the north of Grünwald, where it connects to the existing district heating network in the area around Bavaria Filmstudios. 

The DN 350/60 pipeline is about 8 km long and runs from Ötz along Forstweg Perlach. This entire section parallels a DN 100/DP 40 high-pressure gas pipeline operated by Stadtwerke München (SWM). The chosen installation method is operational self-biasing. To follow the existing routes, the plastic jacket straight pipes were bent on a custom basis on site, using an interior bending process. 

One unusual aspect of this project is that the expansion pads of the compensation elements are thermally prestressed with water through the pipeline as part of the commissioning process and need to be exposed at the time of commissioning.

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